
This page contains the complete bibliographic reference list for the The English Spelling Society website.
The TESS citation and reference style has been designed to acknowledge authorship and enable any reader who wishes to dig deeper into the subject to know where to start digging, while not getting in the way of a general reader who simply wishes to read the pages on the website. It is also designed to allow references to be added to the list without changing any existing citation or reference. It is based on the Harvard (ie author-date-page) style, slightly modified for the specific needs of the website.
Each entry begins with the relevant citation, followed by the reference. The entries are in citation order.
(CACP 2008). HURON, D, JENKINS, L, SCHMOLKA, V, (Eds), 2008. Literacy Awareness Resource Manual for Police. [online] [accessed 2017-11-06]. Literacy and Policing Project of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP), and its Crime Prevention Committee. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
(Clark 2008). CLARK, C, and DUGDALE, G, 2008. Literacy Changes Lives: The role of literacy in offending behaviour. [online] [accessed 2017-11-06]. National Literacy Trust. London.
(Franklin 1806). FRANKLIN, B, 1806. The complete works ... of ... Benjamin Franklin. Ed 2. Vol 2. Johnson & Co, London. [Online] [accessed 2018-01-25].
(Jones 2010). JONES, D, 2010. Illiteracy and innumeracy are the UK's dirty little secrets. [online] [accessed 2017-11-06]. The Guardian. London.
(Kirsch 2002). KIRSCH, I S, et al, 2002. Adult Literacy in America. 3rd Ed. [online] [accessed 2017-11-06]. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Washington.
(OECD 2000). Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2000. Literacy in the Information Age: Final Report of the International Adult Literacy Survey. [online] [accessed 2017-10-30]. Canada.
(Orwell 1947). ORWELL, G, 1947. As I Please. Tribune, (14 March 1947). [online] [accessed 2018-01-24].
(Roosevelt 1906). ROOSEVELT, T, 1906. The Roosevelt Fonetic Spelling Book. Simplified Spelling Board. [online] [accessed 2018-01-25].
(Scragg 1974). SCRAGG, D G, 1974. A history of English spelling. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
(Seymour 2003). SEYMOUR, P H K, Aro, M, and Erskine, J M in collaboration with COST Action A8 network, 2003. Foundation literacy acquisition in European orthographies. British Journal of Psychology (2003), 94, 143–174.
(Seymour 2005). SEYMOUR, P H K, 2005. Early reading development in European orthographies. The science of reading - A handbook, pp 296–315. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.
(Twain 1997). TWAIN, M and FATOUT, P (ed), 1997. Mark Twain Speaks for Himself. Purdue University Press.
(Twain 2013). TWAIN, M and GRIFFIN, B (ed), 2013. Autobiography of Mark Twain: The Complete and Authoritative Edition. Vol 2. Hardcover. University of California Press. ISBN-13: 978-0520272781.
(UK Education 2017). United Kingdom Government, Department for Education, 2017. National curriculum assessments at key stage 2 in England, 2017 (interim). [online] [accessed 2017-10-30]. London.
(UNDP 2009). United Nations Development Program, 2009. Overcoming barriers: Human mobility and development. Human Development Report 2009. [online] [accessed 2017-10-30]. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
(UNESCO 2017). United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics (UIS), 2017. Literacy rates continue to rise from one generation to the next. Fact Sheet No. 45 September 2017 FS/2017/LIT/45. [online] [accessed 2017-10-30].
(Woolliscroft 2013). WOOLISCROFT, C, 2013. Is there a causal link between education and crime in the UK? [online] [accessed 2017-11-06]. Access Economics. UK.
(World Bank 2017). World Bank Open Data, 2017. [online] [accessed 2017-10-30]. Washington, DC, USA.