The first session of the International English Spelling Congress (IESC) was held on Wednesday 30th May 2018. There was then a call for proposals for new spelling schemes. Thirty-five were successfully submitted, and the Expert Commission reduced this to a short list of six. Following open discussion in online forums, a second session and a vote to select one of the six will be held on dates to be announced.

Registration is not needed to join the open discussion, but registration is required to attend the second session or to vote for a scheme. There is no registration fee. To register, please fill in the form below and click the Submit button at the end. Items marked * are required.

Note: If you have designed or published or have any stake in a scheme under consideration by the Congress, you will be required to abstain from any vote on which schemes should be preferred.

Personal and contact details

Access to the internet is essential as most interaction will be by way of webinar. Communication with the Congress organisers will be by email only. In the address form below, if a required item does not apply to you, please enter 'none.'

Interest in English spelling

Note: If you have designed or published or have any stake in a scheme under consideration by the Congress, you will be required to abstain from any vote on which schemes should be preferred.


You may apply to attend the congress as a full participant, or as an observer. The organisers of the IESC reserve the right to reject the application of anyone they have reason to believe does not support the aims of the Congress. Whether you apply to attend or not, you may offer your services to help with the Congress.

  • Participant status is for those who are broadly supportive of spelling reform, wish to take part in decision making, and may submit alternative spelling schemes.
  • Observer status is for those who are interested in the event, including representatives of the media, but who may not vote or submit alternative spelling schemes.

As well as attending as a participant or an observer, you may volunteer our services in the next section. If you wish to volunteer without attending, click on ‘Volunteer only’ below.

If your application is accepted, you will receive instructions for joining the event.


Volunteering to help with the Congress is not a requirement for taking part. However, any offer of help is welcome. We regret we cannot offer payment for your services, but necessary expenses will be reimbursed and your support will be recorded in the annals of proceedings.


Thank you for your application, please check you emails for confirmation. We will be in touch shortly.