Discussion Groups

A number of members-only discussion groups are maintained by The English Spelling Society. Please apply to the list-owner for joining details.


An active group for general discussion for English Spelling Society members. It rejects attachments and converts HTML to plain text.


An announcements-only group that only the SSS list-owner may post to. No discussions.


A group for English Spelling Society e-mailing committee members and other members who work for the Society


There are also open non-SSS spelling reform lists:
• www.yahoogroups.com/group/saundspel Saundspell - the phonology forum - a continuing
discussion of spelling - pronunciation - and alternative writing systems.

• www.yahoogroups.com/group/openrite Openrite is the window to the world for the RITE development group.


Page editor: N Paterson. Contact by email or form.