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In IESC - Post First Session On June 10, 2018 ()

This thread is for comment on the IESC after its first session on 30 May.

A full recording of the first session (including the Open Session) is available via the ‘Congress’ page of this website.

On the whole, I think we had a good first session. There were some initial technical problems, chiefly over audio. However, most participants seem to have managed to overcome these without too much difficulty. We shall be examining such glitches as occurred and will be trying to ensure that they do not recur at the Second Session in 2019.

There was a good exchange of ideas and comments during the open session. These were mainly effected through participants typing in text. I endeavoured to answer as many of these as possible.

Please let us have your further comments.

We aim to be in a position to invite submissions of alternative schemes in about two months’ time.


Stephen Linstead

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